انت تستخدم متصفح قديم وقد لا يعرض لك جميع المزايا المقدمة فى الموقع . فرجاءاً للاستمتاع بكافة المميزات يرجى تحميل نسخة احدث من الانترنت اكسبلورر
The area of the company factories is nearly 45000 Sm divided into departments and warehouses, each of which occupies the following area: 1- Kitchen industry department on area 10000 Sm. 2- Aluminum dragging factory on 60000 Sm. 3- Formica board factory on 10000 Sm. 4- Granite powder industry department on 1000 Sm. 5- Plastic industry department on 1000 Sm. 6- Resistant surfaces industry department on 4000 Sm. 7- Warehouses on 1000 Sm. 8- Shutters industry department 2000 Sm. 9- Resistant surfaces and laundries industry department on 30000 Sm. 10- Profile painting and aluminum boards on 2500 Sm. 11- Al Ahsaa factory on (3000) Sm.